藤村 一成 Kazunari Fujimura

藤村 一成

Kazunari Fujimura


青森県出身。流山児事務所を経てTVドラマ、舞台、そしてお笑いユニットなど多方面で活躍。天性の勘の良さと作品解釈への独特な切り口が魅力。将来へののびしろを果てしなく持つダークホース。「仮想定規」の隠し玉である。timely office所属。

Born in Aomori prefecture. After initially joining Ryuzanji Company, he has been active in various fields such as TV dramas, live theatre, and comedy troupes. His natural intuition and unique perspective on the interpretation of the work are attractive. A dark horse that has endless room for the future. He is the ace up Kaso Jogi’s sleeve. Affiliated with Timely Office talent agency.
