末廣 円
Madoka Suehiro
愛知県出身。佃典彦氏主宰の劇団B級遊撃隊に在籍し、「まどか園太夫」として活動。主な出演作に「カレー屋の女~B級改訂版」「さらば行きずりの人よ」「満月ドリル」等。その他劇団わらく 戯れの会など客演多数。 明暗のコントラストが際立つ表情を持ちハンサムかつチャーミングな役者。名古屋名物“鬼饅頭”を作らせたら右に出る者はない。
Born in Aichi prefecture. Belongs to Gekidan B-kyu Yugekitai presided over by Norihiko Tsukuda, and is active as “Madoka Endayu”. Major appearances include “Curry Shop Woman – B-kyu Revised Edition”, “Farewell People”, and “Full Moon Drill”. Many other guest performances such as Gekidan Waraku and Tawamure no Kai. A handsome and charming actor with a striking contrast between light and dark. Nobody can make Nagoya’s famous Oni Manju better than her.